It doesn't matter what size jar you utilize as long because the prime one quarter is liquid.
Dry herbs lose their efficiency inside a year. contemporary herbs rot presently when harvest. Tinctures preserve ANd extract the healthful properties of AN herb in an alcoholic extract. Tinctures might last quite 100 years.
You can purchase tinctures through Organic Solutions, otherwise you will build your own. they're terribly straightforward to form, however the method is time intense, and it takes months to brew a powerful tincture.
All of our formulas area unit obtainable to the general public. If we have a tendency to lose business and gain competitors, so be it. we'd like a lot of herbalists and natural healers during this horrid world of big pharmaceutical corporations and pill pushers in white coats. Be the family herb doctor. Be your own doctor. perhaps if enough of you create your own flavorer preparations, we’ll drive them out of business.
I’ll drink to that! (Herbal tea after all.)
It’s very easy:
Put herbs in mixer. Add a hundred proof alcohol to hide ¼ in. over the herbs. mix well to a soupy consistency and pour into a glass jar. Screw on lid.
Let herbs accept every day to envision what proportion liquid is on prime. 3/4 herbs to 1/4 liquid on prime is best (see diagram). Screw the lid on and let it brew within the dark for a minimum of four weeks or for months if you want (but bear in mind to strain on the complete moon). To strain, pour the whole contents of the jar through your filter and press all liquid out of the soaked herbs with a wood spoon. Keep finished tincture sealed because the alcohol can evaporate if left unsealed.